I am a senior fellow of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) and an associate professor (cross appointment) at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University in Japan.
My research interests span across a wide variety of empirical topics in spatial economics, such as agglomeration economies and diseconomies, spatial spillover effects, local labor markets, interregional labor migration, and international trade.
Spatial dependence in regional business cycles: Evidence from Mexican states (Kondo, K.). Journal of Spatial Econometrics 3, Article number: 1 (2022)
Simulating the impacts of interregional mobility restriction on the spatial spread of COVID-19 in Japan (Kondo, K.). Scientific Reports 11, 18951 (2021).
View More"Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation in Stata." (Kondo, K.). RIEB Discussion Paper Series No.2025-03. (2025). GitHub
Regional Migration Support App "Migration Simulation"(地方移住支援アプリ「移住シミュレーション」) (Kondo, K.). Bronze Award (General Category) in 2024 Urban Data Challenge. Link (jp) | Shiny App (en) | Shiny App (jp)
"Municipalities at Risk of Extinction" Even Though They Are Far From Extinct Sankei Shimbun. August 11, 2024.
The relationship between labor market mobility, wage growth, and innovation in our country. (Kondo, K.). WHITE PAPER ON LAND, INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND TOURISM IN JAPAN, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Reexamining the Eventual Extinction of Japan's Municipalities: What Do 40-years of Recent Data Tell Us? (Kondo, K.). RIETI Policy Update (en) | RIETI Special Report (jp)
Percentage Change in Young Female Population 1980-2020. In response to the news "Eventual Extinction of Japan's municipalities" by the Population Strategy Council, I developed the web app that visualizes the percentage change in the female population aged 20-39. Shiny App (jp) | Web App